I know that many people find it difficult to find the right products for their skin type or how to get rid of acne/ blemishes in general. You may already know from my previous post that I have extremely sensitive/ dry skin, I also used to suffer from acne so I know the pain of stressing over how to get rid of the spots and then trying to cover it with makeup.
So if there is anyone who is in the same situation, this post might be helpful for you as I will be discussing the steps I went through to help clear up my acne, products I have used and ones I am currently using.
Acne spots made me feel so self conscious and I tried all sorts of products but it wasn't helping at all! I had a friend who also had acne and I noticed her skin began clearing up over a period of a few months because she was using Clinique Anti Blemish Solution 3 step system. So I went and bought all three products but unfortunately it didn't end well for me. My skin did not like the products at all and I feel like it made my spots even worse along with irritation forming! This is when I decided to go to my doctor and I got prescribed Zineryt lotion, I cant express how much it helped with my spots!
Zineryt is a combination of erythromycin and zinc which are known remedies for treating acne. Erythromycin is the antibiotic component of the lotion which kills acne bacteria whereas zinc is used as anti inflammatory factor which also prevents redness or extreme dryness as a result of the erythromycin. So these two work very well together and that is why my acne has cleared up so well.
As I mentioned, erythromycin can cause skin to dry up but for me it was not severe and I also used moisturiser to prevent it getting out of hand.I have been advised to apply directly onto the spot when required twice a day.

Overall I have seen a massive improvement in my skin over the last two years using the products I have mentioned for controlling my acne/ break outs. It is so much easier to apply my makeup.
Thank you for reading x
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